We are delighted with this evaluation report, compiled by the London Strategic Clinical Network (Maternity) summarising the outcomes of the original five pilot workshops across London.

235 staff attended (in addition to women and families using services) .

Highlight: “93% of attendees said that the workshop changed the way that they think about maternity services and have spoken about seeing situations from new perspectives, thinking differently and reframing their actions. Attendees have commented on this positive shift in their perceptions.”

Link to evaluation report: Whose Shoes report Maternity SCN

MatExp poster - RCOG conf

MatExp RCOG Poster

Other key quotes and testimonials:

“Whose Shoes?® brings people together to have conversations that matter, the resources stimulate thoughts which lead to new insights and importantly to actions through the power of human connection and the use of narrative. The energy generated is tangible during the events but it’s sustained long after as the creativity of both the public and professionals in unleashed. I’d really recommend the approach as a vehicle for any service committed to ongoing improvement”

#Hellomynameis… Kath Evans, Experience of Care Lead (Maternity, Infants, Children and Young People), NHS England



” Whose Shoes?® is a creative opportunity to engage staff, women and patients in a process of improvement and enlightenment, the Whose Shoes?® #MatExp social movement for change was used in our failing maternity service to better understand the experiences of women, their birth partners and our staff.  The creative energy and ideas generated during our session were directly developed into practical actions and we have subsequently used the model of engagement in other clinical areas.  Whose Shoes?® played an important part in our improvement journey and is having a direct impact on outcomes for women, their birth partners and our staff”

Steve Hams, Interim Director of Clinical Governance and Chief Nurse, HSSD, States of Guernsey.


“Whose Shoes?® has been an incredible catalyst in Maternity care. 5 pilot workshops with the London maternity Strategic Clinical Network led to a tremendous ripple out with further workshops in other Trusts as well as the phenomenal change platform that is #MatExp. Actions from Kingston alone include: a graffiti board for users to give live feedback on services, decorating the maternity theatre ceilings to improve the environment for women undergoing Caesarean section (CS), optimal cord clamping and skin to skin at CS; the list is endless. We have also used Whose Shoes?® successfully in other areas of Kingston hospital. #KHFTWhoseshoes, improving staff attitude & environment and patient experience in our main operating theatres and having a drop in session on administration at our Trust Open Day”.

Florence Wilcock, Consultant Obstetrician Kingston Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Chair of London Maternity SCN maternity experience subgroup.

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