by Lauren Smith, 3rd year student midwife.

For one of my final year modules we were asked to create an informative resource for a professional audience on a current relevant topic of maternity; the topic I chose was Dignity and Respect.

In February 2018 The World Health Organization developed new recommendations for a positive childbirth experience for women, they incorporated the importance of dignity and respect, as well as reinforcing the importance of the experience for women going through the maternity services and not just having a healthy baby.

I created a training pack incorporating a video, based on true stories, and a presentation with reflective questions and discussion points. The intention of my resource is to remind healthcare professionals of the importance of their role within the maternity services, to ensure women-centered care, that human rights are met and women have a positive experience.

Here is my video and presentation:

This is Lauren’s presentation!
It has been loaded and shared through Gill Phillips’ (@WhoseShoes) SlideShare.

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