If you want to get in touch with us, you can:

  • Tweet us – find tweets marked #MatExp
  • DM us @MatExpBazaar – perhaps you would like to tweet for this crowdsourced account for a week?
  • Join our Facebook group
  • Social media is the best way to contact us – check out Who’s Involved.

Please remember we are volunteers, and we will respond as soon as we can.

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7 Comments on Contact

  1. Dr Christina Atchison
    24 July 2015 at 8:36 am (9 years ago)

    At NHS England (London) we want to explore women’s experience of antenatal screening services in London and evaluate the use of social media as a means of recruiting survey participants.

    We are doing this survey to support Domain 4 of NHS Outcomes Framework “Ensuring that people have a positive experience of care”, to identify concerns or substantial variation in experience of care between NHS Trusts or London boroughs, and to inform NHS England (London) commissioning decisions for antenatal screening pathways across London, and to develop or transform services based on patient needs and preferences.

    We would be grateful if you could share the following message with your followers on Tweeter and Facebook.

    NHS Survey Women’s Experience of Antenatal Screening in London. Improve services, have your say: https://surveys.phe.org.uk/LondonAntenatalScreeningSurvey

    Kind regards,

    Dr Christina Atchison,
    Speciality Registrar in Public Health, NHS England (London)

  2. Tal Moore
    11 February 2018 at 3:10 pm (7 years ago)

    Hello, my name is Tal and I am a Clinical Psychologist working in a recently- commissioned community perinatal mental health team in Norwich. As part of our prevention strategy, we are developing a study day for colleagues in Obstetrics/ Midwifery with the aim of ultimately changing women’s birth experiences. I came across your incredible campaign and I’d love some of your knowledge and expertise in designing our study day here in Norwich. Would the Whose Shoes game or something of the like be appropriate? I’d be happy for a phone call or email correspondence. Alternatively I am coming to London March 7-10 for training, perhaps we could arrange a meeting one evening?
    Would very much appreciate any input

    Many thanks!!


    Dr Tal Moore, Clinical Psychologist
    BA (Hons), MSc (Distinction), Clin.Psy.D, C.Psychol

    HCPC No: PYL28760 BPS No: 240785


  3. Demo Duffy
    19 March 2018 at 5:56 pm (6 years ago)

    Hi there,
    I am currently at college studying the Access to Nursing course. I am wanting to progress on to university and I am looking to study midwifery as this is something I am very passionate about. However I need as much experience as I can get, I am just wondering if you have any voluntary work or anything I could come along to observe and see how it is.
    I look forward to hearing from you.
    Thank you.

  4. Lizzie Hamilton
    7 February 2019 at 1:22 pm (6 years ago)

    We have secured funding to participate in Who’s shoes at Surrey & Sussex Healthcare Trust. Can someone contact me to arrange?

  5. Rachel Woodcock
    4 May 2020 at 8:00 am (4 years ago)

    Good morning,
    I am a midwifery lecturer and my students have requested a speaker from #matexp, could someone please contact me to discuss this as a possibility?

  6. Gwyneth Lonergan
    13 January 2021 at 12:14 pm (4 years ago)

    Dear MatExp,

    I am a researcher at Lancaster University working on a Wellcome funded project exploring migrant women’s experiences of maternity care. I would really appreciate it if MatExp were interested in being involved with this research.

    The purpose of this project is to better understand migrant women’s experiences of maternity care in Leeds, Manchester, and Kirklees, within the wider context of strict immigration controls, including passport checks within the NHS, as well as severe funding cuts to NHS services. I am committed to working with migrant women, community groups, NHS staff, and other stakeholders to make sure the findings from this project can be used to improve the experiences of pregnant migrants.

    I would really appreciate the opportunity to talk with you on the phone about this project and whether you can be involved. I can be reached on 07742 738 205 or at [email protected]


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