Personally I have had a bit of a Christmas and New Year break, but of course #MatExp never sleeps! There have been plenty of blogs, new ideas, events planned and meet ups occurring all over the festive period. We have had new people join the Facebook group, new ideas suggested for #MatExpHour and lots of us are speaking at events around the country in the coming weeks and months.
It seems five minutes since the fantastic #MatExpAdvent initiative came to an end, but here we are on the eleventh day of 2016 and I need to dive back in as otherwise I’ll be left behind! This wonderful round up from Gill Phillips inspired me this morning to get back on the crazy horse…..
Our last #MatExpHour before Christmas, led by the wonderful 23weeksocks, was on the topic of Taking #MatExp Into 2016. There were some excellent suggestions for actions and initiatives, so let’s take a look and then get cracking! What would you like to do?
The NCT has developed a new practical guide to running an Maternity Services Liaison Committee (MSLC), “From Good Practice to Trouble Shooting”. MSLCs are a big part of #MatExp, and there are some exciting WhoseShoes #MatExp MSLC events coming up very soon!
Are you already a member of an MSLC? What has your group got planned for this year? Is there an MSLC in your area that you can join? Definitely a lot going on around the country – let us know how #MatExp can support your MSLC, joining hands around the country!
It was also suggested that #MatExp could work more closely with the fantastic 1001 Critical Days campaign.
Are you involved with this project? How can #MatExp best support the campaign, and vice versa? Do you have some fresh ideas about the conception to age 2 period? We have many Health Visitors involved in #MatExp and their input here will be invaluable.
The next suggestion was harnessing the power of the next generation of midwives via the country’s Midwifery Societies. Are you a member of a MidSoc? How can you collaborate with #MatExp? Could you host a WhoseShoes event? Do you have events coming up where #MatExp could be represented? What is on your agenda for 2016?
My aim for 2016 is to try to take #MatExp to those not on social media. How do we engage with healthcare professionals (and parents) who are not on Twitter and Facebook? Looks like we will have to resort to good old fashioned pen and paper! Or at least keyboard and printer. Who in your trust would you like to tell about #MatExp? Get in touch and help me to spread the message further!
The big thing we are all waiting for is the report from the National Maternity Review. At the Birth Tank 2 event Baroness Cumberlege had hoped that it would be published on 31 December 2015, but unfortunately it is not yet available. Once it is here we can get stuck in with implementing recommendations at a local level.
And what else have people suggested? #MatExp is about all voices, everyone getting stuck in doing what they can, when they can, where they can. A few more ideas to get you inspired:
Anyone wanting to order #MatExp stickers and other resources can do so here.
What’s your plan? What is happening in your area? What needs to be done? What can be built upon? Who needs to be involved? What small things can you do? What BIG things can you do? Whatever you are up to remember to tell us on Twitter at hashtag #MatExp, join in on Facebook, comment on this blog post, send us a message by carrier pigeon, write it on the sky….. The #MatExp train is steaming down the track. All aboard for 2016!
Helen Calvert