So here it is! I am so excited to support Florence Wilcock, a.k.a. #FabObs Flo to launch her innovative podcast: ‘The Obs Pod’.
Flo’s padlet helping you browse the key topics

Ever since Flo first phoned me, back in 2014, asking ‘if Whose Shoes would work in maternity services’, I have been impressed by her person-centred approach, her ability to challenge the status quo and push boundaries and to work WITH women and families. She lives and breathes her powerful ‘Wrong is wrong …’ mantra.

‘The Obs Pod’ will appeal to everyone who has an interest in maternity services. Everyone will be able to take something away from each episode, due to Flo’s wide-ranging experience, gentle reflective style and ground-breaking practice.
Gill Phillips, Creator of Whose Shoes? and co-founder, with Flo, of the #MatExp social movement
As a young Mum who was totally blown away by the inspirational obstetricians who delivered my baby nearly two years ago, I am excited to start following ‘The Obs Pod’. The first episode was fantastic; so interesting and captivating. I am sure the podcast will be hugely popular with pregnant women and maternity staff alike, along with so many other people who will find it fascinating to gain an insight into the thoughts and experiences of someone who shares the beauty and intimacy of pregnancy and birth as part of their working life.
Jenny Thirlwall, young Mum and member of #MatExp community,
West Midlands

One of the things I have enjoyed the most over the last five years of #MatExp is the opportunity to get creative. From being ‘just’ an obstetrician, I have branched out and added: writer, poet, facilitator, film maker, speaker, campaigner to name just a few new skills.
Gill encouraged me to write a blog. I promised my husband it would be just the one, resulting in a nickname now from Gill ‘One blog Flo’. as I have lost count now of how many I have actually written after dipping my toe in the water.
I’ve enjoyed making Steller stories after a quick demo on a train journey, particularly our #MatExpAdvent series and my Nobody’s Patient monthly project reports. I have made videos, my contribution to our series for #MindNBody launch being one of my favourites, reading my poem ‘Reassured’. All this is alongside my day job and I find these creative outlets re-energise me, develop me and feedback into my day to day working in maternity care.
In December, I was lucky enough to meet Natalie Silverman @FertilityPoddy at RCOG women’s network meeting in Manchester. https://www.thefertilitypodcast.com/ She talked enthusiastically about podcasting. She made it sound both interesting and achievable. Something that wasn’t too challenging but that might reach a different audience. She was inspiring and willing to offer advice. I went home enthused.
I spent the next couple of months thinking and exploring, I decided I have things I would like to share. Adam Kay’s book ‘This is going to hurt’ has been a runaway success, but I want to voice a different perspective of the maternity world. One that would be accessible to women and staff alike. One that might ignite change and action as well as entertain. So, I have rolled up my sleeves, listened to a podcast series on making a podcast, taught myself the lingo, attempted the editing and technical bits and loved every minute.
So here goes, I am launching my next adventure:
The Obs Pod.
I hope you enjoy listening as much as I am enjoying making it!
Here are the episodes so far and new ones will automatically be added here. If you wish to access the programme notes Florence refers to each week, find the episode you are interested in on The Obs Pod (buzzsprout.com):
Pauline Woods
7 June 2020 at 7:38 am (5 years ago)Wonderful thank you so much for all your hard work and dedication to make the experience of pregnancy and childbirth the best it can possibly be and above all listening and acting on concerns and including the whole family. For those families who’s baby/babies sadly do not survive either before birth, stillbirth or afterwards. Enabling family to have memories. Changing some of the terrible terms that make the Mother feel responsible for what is totally out of her control. I.e. incompetent cervix, failure to progress, failed forceps, older mother, just to name a few, Outliers as I said a term used in Ireland for cows cared for outside away from the main herd. Heartfelt thanks to you Dear Florence and everyone involved and Gill Phillips and the amazing team on Maternity and Neonatal Unit at Kingston Hospital and in the community. I was so privileged to help support families there for 36 years and I really miss you all. God Bless you stay safe and well in these terribly difficult and worrying scary times.
Gill Phillips
19 January 2021 at 10:39 pm (4 years ago)I have been an avid follower of Florence Wilcox’s fabulous podcast series: The Obs Pod. It is a year now since #FabObs Flo, my #MatExp partner in crime, first told me about the idea, having been inspired by meeting @fertilitypoddy at a conference (link) and I have been privileged to have pre-hears of the weekly editions.
Each one resonates with me in a different way: it might be my own birth experiences (yes, they stay with you for all those years!), or hearing Flo talk about our her perspective on topics we have addressed through our #MatExp WhoseShoes work. The podcasts always give me deeper understanding of Flo’s thinking and what drives her in her mission to listen, learn and blend all the nuances of lived experience into her medical training and experiences as a doctor.
Anyway, Episode 38 ‘Ethics’ about the interface between medicine and what has traditionally been referred to as ‘fetal anomalies’ – a baby! – brought a flood of associations, memories and emotions. I was inspired to write this blog: https://matexp.org.uk/?s=Ethics
Rebecca Hunt
12 February 2021 at 4:56 pm (4 years ago)Hi Florence, I absolutely love listening to the Obs Pod. Your voice is so clear and your approach is so aligned with how doulas work with women to access clear, evidence-based information that is delivered in an unbiased way from their caregivers. It’s wonderful to hear how woman-centred you are in your as I feel this is at the core of ensuring women have a positive experience however their birth unfolds. I wonder what your thoughts and experiences are of doulas in your working life and whether you’d consider doing an episode on them? Would love to chat more if you ever were.
Warm Regards,
Rebecca Hunt
Florence Wilcock
22 February 2021 at 3:16 pm (4 years ago)Dear Rebecca
Thank you so much for your kind comments & what a great idea for an episode , you’ve sparked my thinking! Doula episode added to my upcoming plans
best wishes
Gill Phillips
22 February 2021 at 4:54 pm (4 years ago)PROGRAMME NOTES FOR THE OBSPOD
Hi Rebecca and Flo. I have realise that the programme notes don’t come through to this site but you can find them by looking up the episode you are interested in on The Obs Pod (buzzsprout.com)
Eloise Mathis
27 February 2021 at 4:24 pm (4 years ago)Hi Florence,
Love your podcasts. Was especially touched by episode 26, which I listened to this afternoon. Very touching and so many things I can relate to with this particular issue. A very honest and open podcast, addressing a really tough subject but such an important one.
Looking forward to listening to more
Eloise x
3 June 2021 at 1:54 pm (4 years ago)Thanks Eloise so glad you felt it worked for you
31 March 2021 at 12:44 pm (4 years ago)Dear Flo, I have started following your podcast recently and I have truly fallen in love with it. I will recommend it to every single pregnant lady I come across.
You are truly a wonderful obstetrician, so respectful of woman, and so knowledgeable.
Thanks a lot for your hard work, I wish you tremendous success.
3 June 2021 at 1:54 pm (4 years ago)What wonderful feedback thank you!
21 October 2021 at 3:56 pm (3 years ago)I am new to this podcast and am loving it. I heard Florence on the Midwife’s Cauldron. I especially loved the episode on cesarean. We are sadly lacking in compassionate, evidence-based woman centered care here in the U.S. but it is heartening to know there is a desire to strive for better obstetric care in the U.K. Hopefully, we will catch up sometime soon. How lucky women are to be able to have the best cesarean possible. Birth trauma is real and this podcast is fantastic at addressing the big picture surrounding it. Thank you.